Does Chiropractic Help Whiplash?

by | Jul 4, 2022 | Knee Pain | 0 comments

Chiropractic Care & Whiplash

The term whiplash was derived about 30 years ago. Whiplash is the term used to describe what a patient suffers after a side or rear auto accident. If treatment isn’t taken right away, 40% of whiplash patients are at risk for developing long term pain after the initial accident. Here at our Medical Lake practice, we have the tools and knowledge to help accident injury victims suffering from whiplash. Let’s take a look at what the process might look like.

After the Accident

Right after you experience an accident, your first step is to reduce possible inflammation. Inflammation occurs when muscles and ligaments suffer from injuries. Pain may not show up right away though. You might think you are fine, but then wake up the next day in pain. Visiting a chiropractor as soon as you can will reduce your risk for chronic pain. 

Muscle movement is also restored through chiropractic care. Joints stiffen from pain and swelling, which also causes whiplash. If in pain, a patient will limit their range of motion to reduce pain. In turn, this actually leads to more long term problems.

Scar Tissue Forms

Another byproduct of whiplash is scar tissue. Scar tissue patches injured tendons and muscles like a band aid but less organized. Scar tissue prevents proper range of motion and will tighten the area. Chiropractic manipulation will stretch out scar tissue and help break it up.

Chiropractic care has been studied for great amounts of time and has been proven to be able to treat many back and neck injuries. Something you may not have known is that whiplash can affect other areas of the body. This means it is important to treat the whole body, which chiropractors are experts in.

Pain and Stress Often Experienced

It is common to experience pain and stress after a whiplash injury. A chiropractor can help with this pain and will treat the whole body; not just the neck and back. Chiropractors will also give at home exercises, nutrition advice, and general education to help a patient better understand their condition.

So does chiropractic help whiplash? Chiropractic care like you will find here at Natural Health Center in Spokane will most certainly help whiplash pain. We also have many other treatment options to further improve healing. Contact us today for help with your whiplash.