Sinus Headaches and Chiropractic Care

by | Dec 7, 2022 | Headaches | 0 comments

Sinuses are an important part of the human body! Did you know that just like many other areas of the body, we can experience sinus pain and issues? Let’s talk all things sinuses in today’s blog!

Sinus Headache? Maybe Not

The definition of sinuses are the cavities in the skull that rest right behind your face. Sinuses help us to humidify the air we breathe, and to enhance our voices. People who experience sinus pain and headache often claim they are experiencing a sinus headache. Did you know that this is controversial? Usually upon further investigation, people who complain this form of headache often are not experiencing what they think they are. Let’s take a look at a study.

A study was done in 2019 which had 174 patients seeking care for what they complained was a sinus headache. After investigation, doctors found that only 13% of patients actually met the diagnosis for a headache associated with rhinitus or sinusitis, which we will talk about below. The other percentages are as follows:

  • Migraine: 53%
  • Tension Headache: 31%
  • Not Categorizied: 3%

Now, let’s look at the actual causes of sinus headaches.


This occurs when the lining of the sinuses become inflamed. This can lead to a various amount of symptoms such as congestion, runny nose, sneezing, itching, nosebleeds, recurring ear infections, snoring, mouth breathing, fatigue, and headache. Viral infections can cause acute rhinitis, but chronic rhinitis can be the cause of much more. This includes reactions to allergens like pollen, dust mites, mold, cockroach feces, animal dander, fumes, odors, temperature, hormonal changes, mediciations, environmental changes, smoke, and sensitivity to food and spices. This can be avoided by steering clear of your allergens, eating a healthy diet, and taking vitamins, supplements, or medication, like antihistamines, nose sprays, decongestants, asthma medication, and allergy treatments.


Sinusiti is a condition in which fluid builds up in the sinuses. The fluid of the sinuses can carry lots of bacteria and germs. The symptoms of sinisitus can be: runny/stuffy nose, facial pain/pressure, post-nasal drop, sore throat, cough, bad breath, and headache. Symptoms of sinisitus are usually self manageable by using a warm compress, nasal spray, and humidifier for the nose, but use caution. If symptoms last more than 10 days, you are advised to see a doctor.

So it’s clear that sinus headaches can be self misdiagnosed most of the time. Those who think they may have a sinus headache should always be checked for other forms of headache, and even have a cervical spine evaluation. Chiropractors are highly trained to complete these diagnoses. Treating musculoskeletal disorders of the neck can lead to  headache pain being relieved or even eliminated.

At Natural Health Center, we look for all possible causes of headaches. After all how can you treat if you don’t know the cause? Our chiropractic, massage and physical therapy options can all help reduce headache severity and frequency.

We aim to get all patients out of pain and back to feeling great again. We accept insurances and would love to help you. Schedule a time to come and and we’ll sit down with you and get you help you need.