Can Chiropractic Treatment Help GERD?

by | Jan 13, 2023 | General Health | 0 comments

The Effects of GERD

Gastroesophageal reflux disease, more commonly known, as GERD occurs when the contents of the stomach reflux back into the esophagus. This causes a burning taste and heartburn in the chest. The esophagus transfers food back up from the stomach into the throat. Can be painful. Common GERD treatment includes lifestyle, changes, and the use of a PPI or proton pump inhibitor. Sometimes, patients don’t find relief from either of these treatments. You may ask, what happens then?

A doctor would most likely recommend surgery to take in the hiatus, or add an opening into the diaphragm where the esophagus travels before connecting to the stomach. With surgery comes many risks, but did you know that the PPI Comes with the risk of long-term side effects? Because of these risks, patients are constantly looking for alternative, more conservative treatments to help with their GERD symptoms. Let’s take a look into some of these today.

Can Chiropractic Treatment Help GERD?

Some studies have been done on the use of manual therapies to treat GERD. What these therapies do is strengthen the esophagus and surrounding muscles. This prevents acid reflux from coming up from the stomach and into the throats. One study looked at the benefit of respiratory exercises to strengthen the crura of the diaphragm. The study found that these exercises did increase the patient’s quality of life by decreasing GERD symptoms. The use of the PPI went down following these exercises as well. The crura of the diaphragm is an important component of the antireflux barrier, which is important to mention because the antireflux barrier functions as an extrinsic esophagogastric junction sphincter. A seperate study found that visceral manipulation has also led to improvements for patients in the above categories.

The most recent study took 30 patients with GERD and divided them in half. The goal was to look at the difference between myofascial release and sham treatments. 15 patients received four 25 minute myofascial release sessions over two weeks. 15 other patients received four sham treatments in the same timeframe. Those in the myofascial group reported improvements in all categories, directly after treatment, as well as a month after. Those in the sham group treatment did not experience the same results.

Through these studies, we can see that conservative approaches are much more safe, and can even be more affordable than treatments like surgery and the use of PPI. Long-term effects and pain are something you don’t need to worry about when it comes to treating your GERD. Call us today for an appointment if you have been struggling with GERD symptoms.

Natural Health Center and GERD

At Natural Health Center, we can certainly help with the effects of GERD through our manual manipulation care.

We aim to get all patients out of pain and back to feeling great again. We accept insurances and would love to help you. Schedule a time to come and and we’ll sit down with you and get you help you need.