Try Prolozone Therapy for Spinal Arthritis
Arthritis is the most common cause of low back pain, especially in people over age 50. The low back contains five sets of facet joints, one on the left and one on the right side of each spinal bone. Like joints in any other part of the body the low back facet joints can be injured or become inflamed, thereby causing pain.
What Is Arthritis?
Arthrthritis is a general term that means swelling of a joint. Spinal arthritis causes stiffness and low back pain. The stiffness most often is worse upon waking up in the morning, it tends to ease with activity, then worsens toward the end of the day. This is because fluid has built up in the joint due to inactivity overnight, which causes more swelling.
The pain is mostly in the back, runs into the buttocks, and often really feels like it’s in the hip.
The back and/or neck stiffness and pain tend to be worse in the morning (particularly for about 30 minutes after waking up), often called “first movement pain.”
The pain will usually subside to a more tolerable level over the course of the day as the person carries on his or her activities.
Pain and stiffness that tend to get worse again in the evening, disrupts sleep is often an indicator of osteoarthritis.
Symptoms of Osteoarthritis:
– Swelling and warmth in one or more joints, particularly during weather changes.
– Localized tenderness when the joint or affected area of the spine is pressed.
– Steady or intermittent pain in a joint, which is often described as an aching type of pain. The pain may be aggravated by motion.
– Loss of flexibility of a joint, such as inability to bend and pick something off the floor.
– A crunching feeling or sound of bone rubbing on bone when the joint is moved, particularly notable in the neck.
– A sensation of pinching, tingling, or numbness in a nerve or the spinal cord, which can occur when bone spurs form at the edge of the joints of the spine and irritate the nerves.
Prolozone is one treatment which successfully eliminates pain from spinal osteoarthritis. It uses oxygen to create a healing, and works by improving oxygen utilization in a localized area of damaged connective tissue, allowing it to heal, and to restore full function. When it is injected of healing nutrients and ozone in and around ligaments, tendons and cartilage where they attach to the bone. The injected ozone increases the blood supply and flow of healing nutrients and the tissues get what they need to heal. More importantly, it also stimulates the deposition and activity of fibroblasts and chondroblasts. These cells synthesize the collagen and cartilage that the body needs to strengthen and tightens the injured tissues; thereby stabilizing the area, and removing the cause of the pain. The result is that the tissues get what they need to heal. And as they heal, the circulation to the area is re-established, and the treatment is complete. By treating the cause of pain, prolozone eliminates the sensation of pain.Patients receivingprolozone feel immediate improvement with very little to any pain at all during the treatments.