Hip osteoarthritis occurs when inflammation and injury to a joint cause a breaking down of cartilage tissue. In turn, that breakdown causes pain, swelling, and deformity. The primary function of cartilage is to reduce friction in the joints and serve as a “shock absorber.” The shock-absorbing quality of normal cartilage comes from its ability to change shape when compressed. It can do this because of its high water content.
Symptoms of Hip Osteoarthritis:
The most common symptoms of hip osteoarthritis are hip pain and decreased range of motion. Hip osteoarthritis often progresses gradually and many sufferers may try to ignore the signs until daily activities are affected.
Patients who have osteoarthritis of the hip sometimes have problems walking. Many people experience pain in the side or back of the hip when the hip bears weight. This pain may radiate down the thigh and even cause pain in the knee. Diagnosis can be difficult at first because pain can appear in different locations including the groin, thigh, buttocks, or knee. The pain can be stabbing and sharp or it can be a dull ache, and the hip is often stiff.
The causes of osteoarthritis of the hip are not known. Some factors that may contribute to it include; joint injury, increasing age, and being overweight.
Call your doctor if you have any of the following:
– Joint stiffness that occurs as you are getting out of bed
– Joint stiffness after you sit for a long time
– Any pain, swelling, or tenderness in the hip joint
– A sound or feeling (“crunching”) of bone rubbing against bone
– Inability to move the hip to perform routine activities such as putting
on your socks
Here at RMI, we have a variety of regenerative medicine therapies that will work to reduce and even eliminate the pain. Our doctors are trained in all of the latest technology and can determine which one will work best for you!