Prolzone Therapy Relieves Joint Pain

by | Feb 19, 2017 | Images, Joint Pain | 0 comments

Relieve Joint Pain with Prolozone Therapy

Many of us experience joint pain as we get older. The primary reason for pain in joints is damage to connective tissue within the joint. As we age our repair processes slow as well. When wear and tear exceed repair the cartilage and other connective tissue within the joint is more susceptible to injury and slower to heal.

Our ligaments and joints deteriorate with age, overuse, and overload due to obesity. As ligaments age, they lose elasticity and start to pull away from the periosteum (lining of the bone), and this space is filled with new bone resulting in bone spurs and general deterioration of the joint over time. Ligaments have poor blood supply, which further deteriorates with aging, when injured they’re slow to heal or heal incompletely. This is one of the reasons why so many people undergo knee replacement surgery, because their torn ligaments and cartilage just can’t heal..

Prolozone Can Help

However, there is a remedy for this – prolozone therapy. Prolozone is an injection technique used to heal joints and ligaments.  At Regenerative Medicine Institute we inject a local anesthetic and medications into the joint that stimulates healing. We then  inject a small amount of ozone into the joint through the same needle. The ozone gas stimulates the cells in the joint to start repairing themselves. Because ozone is a gas, it disperses easily throughout the joint stimulating all the tissues and causes a widespread healing response.

You may often see results rather quickly due to the anti-inflammatory effect of prolozone therapy, this is especially true for back pain, where the results are seen within less than 24 hours. However, in major joints like the knee it takes time for new connective tissue to grow.. It takes about six weeks of cartilage growth to see the full effect of prolozone therapy in patients that have extensive cartilage damage. Prolozone is an effective therapy for most major joints and back pain.

Prolozone therapy allows ligaments and cartilage to heal by supplying the needed oxygen to start the healing process. It can reduce pain and inflammation in the joint fairly quickly.