Natural Health Center TMS Therapy
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TMS Therapy
Spokane TMS Therapy
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS Therapy) is a type of non invasive therapy designed to stimulate nerve cells within the brain to help overcome depression.
Our Spokane TMS therapy is typically used when other means of depression therapy or medications have not been effective.
At Natural Health Center we offer TMS Therapy near Spokane in Medical Lake to help patients with depression and their wellbeing.
Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation may be the solution for conditions that have not responded well to talk therapy or medication. It is covered by most insurances too.
We can help reduce depression, help patients regain control of their life and back to living again. Spokane TMS therapy is the treatment of choice for failed antidepressant therapy.
Our Spokane TMS Therapy:
- TMS is the preferred and recommended treatment for people who have failed antidepressant medications
- TMS is FDA approved
- TMS is paid for by most insurances including TriCare, TriWest, Medicare, Medicaid, and major medical
- The treatment is short in duration, long in relief… sometimes permanent

What is TMS Therapy?
TMS therapy essentially delivers repetitive magnetic pulses to the brain. It is also known as rTMS (repetitive Transcranial Magnetic Stimulator).
How Does it Work?
An electromagnetic coil is applied to the forehead close to the scalp and delivers a painless magnetic pulse. This stimulates the nerve cells in the area of the brain which control mood and depression. The stimulation activates the regions with depressed activity. This in turn decreases symptoms of depression and help a more positive mood.
Is it Safe?
The treatment is non invasive. No surgery is needed, no electrodes are applied ore require sedation. Its side effects are minimal but they can include:
- Headaches
- Discomfort at position of therapy on scalp
- Tingling and light headedness
Other side effects are very rare and may include seizures and hearing loss if ear protection is not used. People with bi-polar may experience mania, but these are all rare outcomes.
What to Expect
Prior to treatment, traditional therapies and medications should already have been tried.
A physical and psychological exam may also be necessary for a full understanding of the patient.
We also need to know if pregnant, of any metal implants or implanted medical devices, current medications, current mental disorders, history of seizures or illness or injury. This way we can ensure we understand the entire history and enable us to help.
How Soon Can an Improvement be Expected?
Every patient is different, but we should see an improvement after a few weeks of treatment.
What Else to Know About Treatment?
MayoClinic has a very good article and case studies on its site. Learn more there.